Designing an AI Solution to Help People Quit Smoking for SmokeWise

Designing an AI Solution to Help People Quit Smoking for SmokeWise

Using Gamification and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Effective Smoking Cessation



User Interface Design, User Experience Design



Product Designer, Engineers,

Academic Professionals



Notion, Figma, Miro, Forms, Trello, OpenAI



3 months

about the company

What is SmokeWise?

SmokeWise is an AI-powered mobile app that assists individuals in quitting smoking by integrating with smartwatches to detect smoking sessions and prompting users for easy confirmation and logging. It provides personalized insights based on user behavior, offering tailored strategies to help users understand and manage their smoking habits. Engaging features like gamification and a responsive chatbot keep users motivated, while data export options enable sharing progress with healthcare professionals for further support.

about the company

What is SmokeWise?

SmokeWise is an AI-powered mobile app that assists individuals in quitting smoking by integrating with smartwatches to detect smoking sessions and prompting users for easy confirmation and logging. It provides personalized insights based on user behavior, offering tailored strategies to help users understand and manage their smoking habits. Engaging features like gamification and a responsive chatbot keep users motivated, while data export options enable sharing progress with healthcare professionals for further support.

about the company

What is SmokeWise?

SmokeWise is an AI-powered mobile app that assists individuals in quitting smoking by integrating with smartwatches to detect smoking sessions and prompting users for easy confirmation and logging. It provides personalized insights based on user behavior, offering tailored strategies to help users understand and manage their smoking habits. Engaging features like gamification and a responsive chatbot keep users motivated, while data export options enable sharing progress with healthcare professionals for further support.

Why this problem

Market research

Why this problem

Market research

Why this problem

Market research

Global Health Impact

Smoking is responsible for over 8 million deaths annually worldwide (WHO, 2023). In the UK alone, it remains the leading cause of life-threatening diseases and premature deaths, with 14.1% of the population still classified as smokers in 2019 (Abo-Tabik et al., 2021).

Global Health Impact

Smoking is responsible for over 8 million deaths annually worldwide (WHO, 2023). In the UK alone, it remains the leading cause of life-threatening diseases and premature deaths, with 14.1% of the population still classified as smokers in 2019 (Abo-Tabik et al., 2021).

Global Health Impact

Smoking is responsible for over 8 million deaths annually worldwide (WHO, 2023). In the UK alone, it remains the leading cause of life-threatening diseases and premature deaths, with 14.1% of the population still classified as smokers in 2019 (Abo-Tabik et al., 2021).

Economic Burden

The global economic cost of smoking-related healthcare and lost productivity is staggering, nearing $1 trillion annually (WHO, 2023). In the UK, this figure is estimated at £11.4 billion each year (ASH, 2021).

Economic Burden

The global economic cost of smoking-related healthcare and lost productivity is staggering, nearing $1 trillion annually (WHO, 2023). In the UK, this figure is estimated at £11.4 billion each year (ASH, 2021).

Economic Burden

The global economic cost of smoking-related healthcare and lost productivity is staggering, nearing $1 trillion annually (WHO, 2023). In the UK, this figure is estimated at £11.4 billion each year (ASH, 2021).

Current Solution Effectiveness

Quitting smoking without professional support remains highly challenging, with only 3-5% of individuals achieving success through self-help methods (European Respiratory Journal).

Current Solution Effectiveness

Quitting smoking without professional support remains highly challenging, with only 3-5% of individuals achieving success through self-help methods (European Respiratory Journal).

Current Solution Effectiveness

Quitting smoking without professional support remains highly challenging, with only 3-5% of individuals achieving success through self-help methods (European Respiratory Journal).


Understanding the problem

To gain deeper insights into users' mental models, pain points, and needs, I conducted 108 surveys, 9 in-depth interviews, and participatory design sessions. This approach allowed me to explore the behavioral and emotional drivers behind smoking habits, providing a solid foundation for developing a more targeted and effective solution. The user research revealed that 72% of respondents were aged 23 to 35, with 49% primarily using cigarettes or e-cigarettes over other forms of smoking. These findings highlight the specific demographics and preferences of the target audience, enabling me to tailor strategies and features accordingly.


Understanding the problem

To gain deeper insights into users' mental models, pain points, and needs, I conducted 108 surveys, 9 in-depth interviews, and participatory design sessions. This approach allowed me to explore the behavioral and emotional drivers behind smoking habits, providing a solid foundation for developing a more targeted and effective solution. The user research revealed that 72% of respondents were aged 23 to 35, with 49% primarily using cigarettes or e-cigarettes over other forms of smoking. These findings highlight the specific demographics and preferences of the target audience, enabling me to tailor strategies and features accordingly.


Understanding the problem

To gain deeper insights into users' mental models, pain points, and needs, I conducted 108 surveys, 9 in-depth interviews, and participatory design sessions. This approach allowed me to explore the behavioral and emotional drivers behind smoking habits, providing a solid foundation for developing a more targeted and effective solution. The user research revealed that 72% of respondents were aged 23 to 35, with 49% primarily using cigarettes or e-cigarettes over other forms of smoking. These findings highlight the specific demographics and preferences of the target audience, enabling me to tailor strategies and features accordingly.

“I need to see how far I’ve come. Without knowing my progress, it’s hard to stay motivated and keep pushing through.”

“If I could unlock incentives for progress, I’d feel like I’m being rewarded for my efforts”

“Quitting feels isolating. If I could connect with others going through the same thing, I think I'd feel more supported”

“It would be helpful if I could consult a professional when things get really tough”

“I need to see how far I’ve come. Without knowing my progress, it’s hard to stay motivated and keep pushing through.”

“If I could unlock incentives for progress, I’d feel like I’m being rewarded for my efforts”

“Quitting feels isolating. If I could connect with others going through the same thing, I think I'd feel more supported”

“It would be helpful if I could consult a professional when things get really tough”

  • “I need to see how far I’ve come. Without knowing my progress, it’s hard to stay motivated and keep pushing through.”

  • “Quitting feels isolating. If I could connect with others going through the same thing, I think I'd feel more supported”

  • “It would be helpful if I could consult a professional when things get really tough”

  • “If I could unlock incentives for progress, I’d feel like I’m being rewarded for my efforts”

DEFINing user

User Persona

Through my research, I identified that the primary user group for SmokeWise consists of individuals aged 23 to 35. This demographic is generally tech-savvy, often utilizing the latest gadgets and devices. Many of them work in corporate environments or are pursuing advanced degrees, which influences their lifestyle choices. Notably, most users began smoking as a social activity, gradually turning it into a habitual behavior. Despite previous attempts to quit using methods like going cold turkey, they often struggle to maintain long-term cessation.

DEFINing user

User Persona

Through my research, I identified that the primary user group for SmokeWise consists of individuals aged 23 to 35. This demographic is generally tech-savvy, often utilizing the latest gadgets and devices. Many of them work in corporate environments or are pursuing advanced degrees, which influences their lifestyle choices. Notably, most users began smoking as a social activity, gradually turning it into a habitual behavior. Despite previous attempts to quit using methods like going cold turkey, they often struggle to maintain long-term cessation.

DEFINing user

User Persona

Through my research, I identified that the primary user group for SmokeWise consists of individuals aged 23 to 35. This demographic is generally tech-savvy, often utilizing the latest gadgets and devices. Many of them work in corporate environments or are pursuing advanced degrees, which influences their lifestyle choices. Notably, most users began smoking as a social activity, gradually turning it into a habitual behavior. Despite previous attempts to quit using methods like going cold turkey, they often struggle to maintain long-term cessation.

DEFINing problem

How might we

To address the needs of potential users, I created empathy maps and user journey maps to identify opportunities for effective digital solutions. These tools helped me gain a deeper understanding of users' experiences, emotions, and pain points throughout their smoking cessation journey. By mapping their behaviors and interactions, I was able to pinpoint critical moments where I could provide support and intervention. From these insights, I developed a series of "How Might We" statements that encapsulated the opportunities for enhancing user experience. This structured approach allowed me to focus on specific areas for improvement, ensuring that the final digital solution is tailored to meet the unique needs of users as they work towards quitting smoking

DEFINing problem

How might we

To address the needs of potential users, I created empathy maps and user journey maps to identify opportunities for effective digital solutions. These tools helped me gain a deeper understanding of users' experiences, emotions, and pain points throughout their smoking cessation journey. By mapping their behaviors and interactions, I was able to pinpoint critical moments where I could provide support and intervention. From these insights, I developed a series of "How Might We" statements that encapsulated the opportunities for enhancing user experience. This structured approach allowed me to focus on specific areas for improvement, ensuring that the final digital solution is tailored to meet the unique needs of users as they work towards quitting smoking

DEFINing problem

How might we

To address the needs of potential users, I created empathy maps and user journey maps to identify opportunities for effective digital solutions. These tools helped me gain a deeper understanding of users' experiences, emotions, and pain points throughout their smoking cessation journey. By mapping their behaviors and interactions, I was able to pinpoint critical moments where I could provide support and intervention. From these insights, I developed a series of "How Might We" statements that encapsulated the opportunities for enhancing user experience. This structured approach allowed me to focus on specific areas for improvement, ensuring that the final digital solution is tailored to meet the unique needs of users as they work towards quitting smoking

Offer Personalised recommendation

Track the progress & celebrate milestone

Make it easy for experts to help smokers

Gamify the experience to keep users engage

Reward & incentive good behaviour

Ideation STAGE

Technological research

The principle "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it" is relevant for many behaviors, including quitting smoking. This raised the critical question: How might smoking behavior be accurately measured? Secondary research revealed the potential of using Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) as a solution.

Ideation STAGE

Technological research

The principle "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it" is relevant for many behaviors, including quitting smoking. This raised the critical question: How might smoking behavior be accurately measured? Secondary research revealed the potential of using Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) as a solution.

Ideation STAGE

Technological research

The principle "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it" is relevant for many behaviors, including quitting smoking. This raised the critical question: How might smoking behavior be accurately measured? Secondary research revealed the potential of using Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) as a solution.

Solving the Smoking Habit Tracking Challenge

Measuring Smoking Habits

What are IMUs? These sensors measure motion and orientation using gyroscopes, accelerometers, and sometimes magnetometers. Role in Smoking Cessation: IMUs can detect the hand-to-mouth gestures associated with smoking, enabling real-time behavior tracking. When integrated into smartwatches, this technology effectively monitors smoking habits and triggers personalized interventions. Each cigarette typically involves 8–16 puffs and lasts around 4–8 minutes, and IMUs can precisely recognize these smoking events (Hossain et al., 2019). This approach provides a data-driven foundation to support users in their journey to quit smoking.

Solving the Smoking Habit Tracking Challenge

Measuring Smoking Habits

What are IMUs? These sensors measure motion and orientation using gyroscopes, accelerometers, and sometimes magnetometers. Role in Smoking Cessation: IMUs can detect the hand-to-mouth gestures associated with smoking, enabling real-time behavior tracking. When integrated into smartwatches, this technology effectively monitors smoking habits and triggers personalized interventions. Each cigarette typically involves 8–16 puffs and lasts around 4–8 minutes, and IMUs can precisely recognize these smoking events (Hossain et al., 2019). This approach provides a data-driven foundation to support users in their journey to quit smoking.

Solving the Smoking Habit Tracking Challenge

Measuring Smoking Habits

What are IMUs? These sensors measure motion and orientation using gyroscopes, accelerometers, and sometimes magnetometers. Role in Smoking Cessation: IMUs can detect the hand-to-mouth gestures associated with smoking, enabling real-time behavior tracking. When integrated into smartwatches, this technology effectively monitors smoking habits and triggers personalized interventions. Each cigarette typically involves 8–16 puffs and lasts around 4–8 minutes, and IMUs can precisely recognize these smoking events (Hossain et al., 2019). This approach provides a data-driven foundation to support users in their journey to quit smoking.

Identifying Gaps in the Market

Primary Competitive Analysis

A primary competitive analysis was conducted with smoking cessation apps such as Smoke Free, Quit Genius, MyQuit Coach, NHS Quit, and Kwit to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This helped identify gaps and gain inspiration for creating a more effective solution. There are very few apps that use AI, and those that do primarily function as chatbots. Other apps often fail to effectively encourage smokers to log their sessions consistently, frequently miss tracking entries, and do not provide personalized, pattern-based solutions.

Identifying Gaps in the Market

Primary Competitive Analysis

A primary competitive analysis was conducted with smoking cessation apps such as Smoke Free, Quit Genius, MyQuit Coach, NHS Quit, and Kwit to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This helped identify gaps and gain inspiration for creating a more effective solution. There are very few apps that use AI, and those that do primarily function as chatbots. Other apps often fail to effectively encourage smokers to log their sessions consistently, frequently miss tracking entries, and do not provide personalized, pattern-based solutions.

Identifying Gaps in the Market

Primary Competitive Analysis

A primary competitive analysis was conducted with smoking cessation apps such as Smoke Free, Quit Genius, MyQuit Coach, NHS Quit, and Kwit to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This helped identify gaps and gain inspiration for creating a more effective solution. There are very few apps that use AI, and those that do primarily function as chatbots. Other apps often fail to effectively encourage smokers to log their sessions consistently, frequently miss tracking entries, and do not provide personalized, pattern-based solutions.

Learning from Wellness and Habit-Tracking Apps

Secondary Competitive Analysis

A secondary competitive analysis was also carried out with behavioral change and wellness apps like Headspace, Fabulous, Calm, Habitica, Focula, and Daylio (a journaling app). This deeper dive into various platforms provided insights into effective strategies for behavior modification, helping shape a user-centered approach that blends smoking cessation with proven engagement techniques from wellness and habit-tracking apps.

Learning from Wellness and Habit-Tracking Apps

Secondary Competitive Analysis

A secondary competitive analysis was also carried out with behavioral change and wellness apps like Headspace, Fabulous, Calm, Habitica, Focula, and Daylio (a journaling app). This deeper dive into various platforms provided insights into effective strategies for behavior modification, helping shape a user-centered approach that blends smoking cessation with proven engagement techniques from wellness and habit-tracking apps.

Learning from Wellness and Habit-Tracking Apps

Secondary Competitive Analysis

A secondary competitive analysis was also carried out with behavioral change and wellness apps like Headspace, Fabulous, Calm, Habitica, Focula, and Daylio (a journaling app). This deeper dive into various platforms provided insights into effective strategies for behavior modification, helping shape a user-centered approach that blends smoking cessation with proven engagement techniques from wellness and habit-tracking apps.

Crafting Effective User Notifications

UX of Notification

The Interactive notifications ensure higher user engagement by prompting users at relevant moments, increasing the likelihood of capturing accurate data. Studies and app analytics often show that interactive notifications achieve 2 to 4 times higher engagement rates compared to basic notifications. SmokeWise employs two types of notifications to engage users effectively and capture accurate data: Activity-Based Notifications: If a smartwatch detects a smoking gesture, the app immediately sends a notification prompting the user to confirm if they smoked. This real-time alert makes it easy for users to log their activity right when it happens, ensuring that the data collected is timely and precise. End-of-Day Reminders: For users who may have missed logging their sessions or prefer to reflect at the end of the day, the app sends a gentle reminder in the evening. This notification encourages users to log any untracked smoking activities throughout the day, ensuring comprehensive data collection while respecting their schedule.

Crafting Effective User Notifications

UX of Notification

The Interactive notifications ensure higher user engagement by prompting users at relevant moments, increasing the likelihood of capturing accurate data. Studies and app analytics often show that interactive notifications achieve 2 to 4 times higher engagement rates compared to basic notifications. SmokeWise employs two types of notifications to engage users effectively and capture accurate data: Activity-Based Notifications: If a smartwatch detects a smoking gesture, the app immediately sends a notification prompting the user to confirm if they smoked. This real-time alert makes it easy for users to log their activity right when it happens, ensuring that the data collected is timely and precise. End-of-Day Reminders: For users who may have missed logging their sessions or prefer to reflect at the end of the day, the app sends a gentle reminder in the evening. This notification encourages users to log any untracked smoking activities throughout the day, ensuring comprehensive data collection while respecting their schedule.

Crafting Effective User Notifications

UX of Notification

The Interactive notifications ensure higher user engagement by prompting users at relevant moments, increasing the likelihood of capturing accurate data. Studies and app analytics often show that interactive notifications achieve 2 to 4 times higher engagement rates compared to basic notifications. SmokeWise employs two types of notifications to engage users effectively and capture accurate data: Activity-Based Notifications: If a smartwatch detects a smoking gesture, the app immediately sends a notification prompting the user to confirm if they smoked. This real-time alert makes it easy for users to log their activity right when it happens, ensuring that the data collected is timely and precise. End-of-Day Reminders: For users who may have missed logging their sessions or prefer to reflect at the end of the day, the app sends a gentle reminder in the evening. This notification encourages users to log any untracked smoking activities throughout the day, ensuring comprehensive data collection while respecting their schedule.

Minimizing Effort, Maximizing Accuracy

Simplified Smoking Session Logging

To provide tailored solutions, it’s crucial to collect accurate and comprehensive data about users' smoking habits. This led to the development of a streamlined logging journey designed to make tracking smoking sessions as easy as possible. For users with a smartwatch, the app utilizes motion detection (IMUs) to recognize the gesture associated with smoking over a specific period. When such activity is detected, the app sends a notification asking users to confirm if they smoked. If confirmed, a brief follow-up sequence asks for details such as the time/date, mood before smoking, social context, location, and the money spent. For those without a smartwatch or who prefer manual input, the app offers a quick and easy manual logging option. This approach aligns with the UX principle of reducing cognitive load by making the process as effortless as possible.

Minimizing Effort, Maximizing Accuracy

Simplified Smoking Session Logging

To provide tailored solutions, it’s crucial to collect accurate and comprehensive data about users' smoking habits. This led to the development of a streamlined logging journey designed to make tracking smoking sessions as easy as possible. For users with a smartwatch, the app utilizes motion detection (IMUs) to recognize the gesture associated with smoking over a specific period. When such activity is detected, the app sends a notification asking users to confirm if they smoked. If confirmed, a brief follow-up sequence asks for details such as the time/date, mood before smoking, social context, location, and the money spent. For those without a smartwatch or who prefer manual input, the app offers a quick and easy manual logging option. This approach aligns with the UX principle of reducing cognitive load by making the process as effortless as possible.

Minimizing Effort, Maximizing Accuracy

Simplified Smoking Session Logging

To provide tailored solutions, it’s crucial to collect accurate and comprehensive data about users' smoking habits. This led to the development of a streamlined logging journey designed to make tracking smoking sessions as easy as possible. For users with a smartwatch, the app utilizes motion detection (IMUs) to recognize the gesture associated with smoking over a specific period. When such activity is detected, the app sends a notification asking users to confirm if they smoked. If confirmed, a brief follow-up sequence asks for details such as the time/date, mood before smoking, social context, location, and the money spent. For those without a smartwatch or who prefer manual input, the app offers a quick and easy manual logging option. This approach aligns with the UX principle of reducing cognitive load by making the process as effortless as possible.

user Testing

Optimizing Logging Time

During user testing sessions, the time-on-task method was used to evaluate the smoking session logging feature. Initially, it took users 2 minutes and 2 seconds to log a single session, which was too lengthy for frequent smokers. Following the feedback, several iterations were made, reducing the time to just 30 seconds. This optimization significantly improved the efficiency and usability of the feature, making it quicker and more convenient for users.

user Testing

Optimizing Logging Time

During user testing sessions, the time-on-task method was used to evaluate the smoking session logging feature. Initially, it took users 2 minutes and 2 seconds to log a single session, which was too lengthy for frequent smokers. Following the feedback, several iterations were made, reducing the time to just 30 seconds. This optimization significantly improved the efficiency and usability of the feature, making it quicker and more convenient for users.

user Testing

Optimizing Logging Time

During user testing sessions, the time-on-task method was used to evaluate the smoking session logging feature. Initially, it took users 2 minutes and 2 seconds to log a single session, which was too lengthy for frequent smokers. Following the feedback, several iterations were made, reducing the time to just 30 seconds. This optimization significantly improved the efficiency and usability of the feature, making it quicker and more convenient for users.

Gamifying Progress to Reward and Motivate Users

Gamification with Personalized AI Avatar

To enhance user motivation and engagement, SmokeWise introduces a gamification feature that uses a personalized AI avatar to visually represent progress. During onboarding, users scan their image and set a quitting goal, such as a 30-day smoke-free journey. Based on the user’s image, an AI-generated avatar is created. Initially, the avatar appears without color and is divided into 30 segments, each representing a day of progress.

Gamifying Progress to Reward and Motivate Users

Gamification with Personalized AI Avatar

To enhance user motivation and engagement, SmokeWise introduces a gamification feature that uses a personalized AI avatar to visually represent progress. During onboarding, users scan their image and set a quitting goal, such as a 30-day smoke-free journey. Based on the user’s image, an AI-generated avatar is created. Initially, the avatar appears without color and is divided into 30 segments, each representing a day of progress.

Gamifying Progress to Reward and Motivate Users

Gamification with Personalized AI Avatar

To enhance user motivation and engagement, SmokeWise introduces a gamification feature that uses a personalized AI avatar to visually represent progress. During onboarding, users scan their image and set a quitting goal, such as a 30-day smoke-free journey. Based on the user’s image, an AI-generated avatar is created. Initially, the avatar appears without color and is divided into 30 segments, each representing a day of progress.

How It Works:

For each smoke-free day, one segment of the avatar gets filled with color, providing immediate visual feedback and a sense of achievement. Upon successfully completing the 30-day streak, the user unlocks their fully colored, unique AI avatar, which they can download as a reward. This avatar is distinct for each user, making it a personalized milestone to celebrate their success. If a user breaks their streak, they have the opportunity to recover it. By staying smoke-free for the next three consecutive days, they can resume filling in their avatar, reinforcing the concept of resilience and progress.

How It Works:

For each smoke-free day, one segment of the avatar gets filled with color, providing immediate visual feedback and a sense of achievement. Upon successfully completing the 30-day streak, the user unlocks their fully colored, unique AI avatar, which they can download as a reward. This avatar is distinct for each user, making it a personalized milestone to celebrate their success. If a user breaks their streak, they have the opportunity to recover it. By staying smoke-free for the next three consecutive days, they can resume filling in their avatar, reinforcing the concept of resilience and progress.

How It Works:

For each smoke-free day, one segment of the avatar gets filled with color, providing immediate visual feedback and a sense of achievement. Upon successfully completing the 30-day streak, the user unlocks their fully colored, unique AI avatar, which they can download as a reward. This avatar is distinct for each user, making it a personalized milestone to celebrate their success. If a user breaks their streak, they have the opportunity to recover it. By staying smoke-free for the next three consecutive days, they can resume filling in their avatar, reinforcing the concept of resilience and progress.

Uncovering Smoking Triggers and Patterns

AI Insights and Behavioral Analysis

Recognizing that many users lack awareness of their smoking triggers and patterns, SmokeWise offers a feature that delivers personalized insights, AI summaries, and suggestions. This feature provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their behavior through visualizations, helping them see their smoking patterns and evaluate the accuracy of their beliefs and reasons for smoking.

Uncovering Smoking Triggers and Patterns

AI Insights and Behavioral Analysis

Recognizing that many users lack awareness of their smoking triggers and patterns, SmokeWise offers a feature that delivers personalized insights, AI summaries, and suggestions. This feature provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their behavior through visualizations, helping them see their smoking patterns and evaluate the accuracy of their beliefs and reasons for smoking.

Uncovering Smoking Triggers and Patterns

AI Insights and Behavioral Analysis

Recognizing that many users lack awareness of their smoking triggers and patterns, SmokeWise offers a feature that delivers personalized insights, AI summaries, and suggestions. This feature provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their behavior through visualizations, helping them see their smoking patterns and evaluate the accuracy of their beliefs and reasons for smoking.

How It Works:

The app uses AI to analyze the collected data, identifying trends and patterns such as time, location, emotional state, or social context linked to smoking habits. Through visualizations, users gain a deeper understanding of their triggers, allowing them to connect the dots between their behaviors and smoking patterns. The feature incorporates principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), offering users a structured, evidence-based approach that is both effective and approachable. This method provides more sustainable results compared to cold turkey attempts and is less daunting than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

How It Works:

The app uses AI to analyze the collected data, identifying trends and patterns such as time, location, emotional state, or social context linked to smoking habits. Through visualizations, users gain a deeper understanding of their triggers, allowing them to connect the dots between their behaviors and smoking patterns. The feature incorporates principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), offering users a structured, evidence-based approach that is both effective and approachable. This method provides more sustainable results compared to cold turkey attempts and is less daunting than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

How It Works:

The app uses AI to analyze the collected data, identifying trends and patterns such as time, location, emotional state, or social context linked to smoking habits. Through visualizations, users gain a deeper understanding of their triggers, allowing them to connect the dots between their behaviors and smoking patterns. The feature incorporates principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), offering users a structured, evidence-based approach that is both effective and approachable. This method provides more sustainable results compared to cold turkey attempts and is less daunting than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

AI Support and Expert Connectivity

Support with SmokeGPT and Expert Connectivity

To ensure users receive holistic support throughout their quitting journey, SmokeWise offers two key support features: SmokeGPT and expert connectivity options. SmokeGPT is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide immediate assistance. Whether users have questions about smoking, need tips for dealing with cravings, or seek advice on healthier alternatives, SmokeGPT offers real-time, personalized responses based on evidence and behavioral strategies. Additionally, users can choose to export their smoking data and patterns directly from the app. This feature enables users to share detailed insights with healthcare professionals, such as NHS experts, for further guidance. The data includes all relevant information users log, such as triggers, emotional states, and smoking frequencies, making it a valuable resource for experts to craft a tailored support plan.

AI Support and Expert Connectivity

Support with SmokeGPT and Expert Connectivity

To ensure users receive holistic support throughout their quitting journey, SmokeWise offers two key support features: SmokeGPT and expert connectivity options. SmokeGPT is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide immediate assistance. Whether users have questions about smoking, need tips for dealing with cravings, or seek advice on healthier alternatives, SmokeGPT offers real-time, personalized responses based on evidence and behavioral strategies. Additionally, users can choose to export their smoking data and patterns directly from the app. This feature enables users to share detailed insights with healthcare professionals, such as NHS experts, for further guidance. The data includes all relevant information users log, such as triggers, emotional states, and smoking frequencies, making it a valuable resource for experts to craft a tailored support plan.

AI Support and Expert Connectivity

Support with SmokeGPT and Expert Connectivity

To ensure users receive holistic support throughout their quitting journey, SmokeWise offers two key support features: SmokeGPT and expert connectivity options. SmokeGPT is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide immediate assistance. Whether users have questions about smoking, need tips for dealing with cravings, or seek advice on healthier alternatives, SmokeGPT offers real-time, personalized responses based on evidence and behavioral strategies. Additionally, users can choose to export their smoking data and patterns directly from the app. This feature enables users to share detailed insights with healthcare professionals, such as NHS experts, for further guidance. The data includes all relevant information users log, such as triggers, emotional states, and smoking frequencies, making it a valuable resource for experts to craft a tailored support plan.

Balancing Transparency, Control, and Accessibility

User Account Management and Accessibility

To empower users and ensure transparency, SmokeWise offers several account management options that provide users with full control over their data and journey: Download My Data: Allows users to access and download their personal data, enabling them to keep records or share information with healthcare professionals. Clear My Data: Provides an option for users to remove specific data, ensuring they have control over their personal information and privacy. Pause My Journey: Gives users the flexibility to temporarily pause their quitting progress, accommodating personal circumstances without losing their progress history. Delete Account: Ensures that users can fully remove their account and data from the app, prioritizing privacy and giving them peace of mind. These features prioritize user autonomy, flexibility, and data transparency.

Balancing Transparency, Control, and Accessibility

User Account Management and Accessibility

To empower users and ensure transparency, SmokeWise offers several account management options that provide users with full control over their data and journey: Download My Data: Allows users to access and download their personal data, enabling them to keep records or share information with healthcare professionals. Clear My Data: Provides an option for users to remove specific data, ensuring they have control over their personal information and privacy. Pause My Journey: Gives users the flexibility to temporarily pause their quitting progress, accommodating personal circumstances without losing their progress history. Delete Account: Ensures that users can fully remove their account and data from the app, prioritizing privacy and giving them peace of mind. These features prioritize user autonomy, flexibility, and data transparency.

Balancing Transparency, Control, and Accessibility

User Account Management and Accessibility

To empower users and ensure transparency, SmokeWise offers several account management options that provide users with full control over their data and journey: Download My Data: Allows users to access and download their personal data, enabling them to keep records or share information with healthcare professionals. Clear My Data: Provides an option for users to remove specific data, ensuring they have control over their personal information and privacy. Pause My Journey: Gives users the flexibility to temporarily pause their quitting progress, accommodating personal circumstances without losing their progress history. Delete Account: Ensures that users can fully remove their account and data from the app, prioritizing privacy and giving them peace of mind. These features prioritize user autonomy, flexibility, and data transparency.

Feature Prioritisation

Simplifying the App

The initial version of the app included numerous features, but user testing revealed that it was overwhelming. Features like the task-based points system, challenges, friends feature, and leaderboard were removed, as users preferred to keep their quitting journey private. The updated version focused on simplicity and inclusivity, retaining only the most essential features that users found valuable.

Feature Prioritisation

Simplifying the App

The initial version of the app included numerous features, but user testing revealed that it was overwhelming. Features like the task-based points system, challenges, friends feature, and leaderboard were removed, as users preferred to keep their quitting journey private. The updated version focused on simplicity and inclusivity, retaining only the most essential features that users found valuable.

Feature Prioritisation

Simplifying the App

The initial version of the app included numerous features, but user testing revealed that it was overwhelming. Features like the task-based points system, challenges, friends feature, and leaderboard were removed, as users preferred to keep their quitting journey private. The updated version focused on simplicity and inclusivity, retaining only the most essential features that users found valuable.


SmokeWise significantly enhances user engagement and support throughout the quitting journey, as evidenced by positive participant feedback.


SmokeWise significantly enhances user engagement and support throughout the quitting journey, as evidenced by positive participant feedback.


SmokeWise significantly enhances user engagement and support throughout the quitting journey, as evidenced by positive participant feedback.


Participants appreciated the ability to download insights and connect with NHS services, enhancing their tracking and cessation support.


Participants appreciated the ability to download insights and connect with NHS services, enhancing their tracking and cessation support.


Participants appreciated the ability to download insights and connect with NHS services, enhancing their tracking and cessation support.


Praised the efficient UX of notifications and quicker logging methods


Praised the efficient UX of notifications and quicker logging methods


Praised the efficient UX of notifications and quicker logging methods


Appreciated the CBT integration, feeling more in control compared to other methods


Appreciated the CBT integration, feeling more in control compared to other methods


Appreciated the CBT integration, feeling more in control compared to other methods


Enjoyed the personalized, unique avatar as a motivating and rewarding aspect of the quitting journey.


Enjoyed the personalized, unique avatar as a motivating and rewarding aspect of the quitting journey.


Enjoyed the personalized, unique avatar as a motivating and rewarding aspect of the quitting journey.